Sunday, November 1, 2015

All Saint's Day

This past week I did not have school because today is All Saint's Day. This break gave me a chance to visit some cities in Germany. I made sure to visit cemeteries while traveling, in part as a way to keep in mind those that have passed away.

Melatenfriedof Köln
(pictured above and directly below)

Friedhof Ohlsdorf in Hamburg
(pictured above)

Each of the cemeteries that I saw created a beautiful and peaceful green area in the middle of the large cities. These spaces were perfect for getting away from the noise and activity of the city. The quiet nature gave a perfect opportunity to think without distractions.

Friedhof II der Sophiengemeinde in Berlin
(pictured below)

A little bit of peace and quiet can do a lot of good.

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